About African Violets

african violet


African violets (Saintpaulia ionantha) are low maintenance, easy to grow houseplants. They reliably bloom several times a year when cared for properly.

Native to Eastern Africa, these popular houseplants are in the same family (Gesneriaceae) as gloxinia and primrose.

Hundreds of horticultural varieties have been developed for their various flower colours and shapes, including half-sized miniatures.


Optimal room temperature for growing African violets is between 60 and 80 F and ideally 70 F. Humidity at 40-60% will help African violets thrive.

A bright, cool location is best for growing African violets. Windows that provide north, northwest or northeast exposures work well.

African violets have fine roots and require well-drained soilless potting mixes. Keep the potting mix moist at all times, but not soggy, and never let your plant sit in water.
